Pauw Heads For Home

Last updated : 03 October 2004 By Ed_ScottishFitba

Vera Pauw heading home to Holland
Scotland's women's coach Vera Pauw ended her five year reign on a sad point yesterday. Or rather the two points shared by Sweden and Finland which allowed the latter to snatch the last play off place for the EURO2005 Championships. Pauw has dragged Scotland's women from being considered also-rans to being one of Europe's stronger teams. The SFA have advertised for her replacement and hope to announce a successor shortly.

Scotland were looking to Sweden to beat Finland in Vaasa by three clear goals to be able to be considered as one of the best third-placed teams in the qualifying groups. Although Sweden took a first half lead through Sara Thunebro, Heidi Kackur got the equaliser in the 70th minute for the Finns to make sure of their play-off place.

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