A Preston Engagement

Last updated : 08 October 2003 By Ed_ScottishFitba
Scotland women footballers have the chance to take on their old enemy England next month. They are due to travel to Preston for the game on 13th November. England's last game was against Australia which they won 1-0. You may remember that Scotland were narrowly beaten by the same score by the Australian's, who are the number 15 side in the world, at the beginning of last month. So this sets up a cracker of a game. The last three home games have shown that the women's game is growing popularity. Admittedly from a low base but the games have shown a 100% increase in fans turning out for subsequent games against Italy and Holland. A total of 220 watched Scotland lose to the Aussies, 452 turned up to see the Italians and 899 saw Holland win 2-0 on the first of this month. Will the next home game see nearly 1,800?

English coach
Hope Powell has started the psychological side to the Preston encounter as she looked back over previous encounters between the two neighbours. Powell said: "Those fans who enjoyed the last game have the chance to see the team play again - the reception we had for the last international was fantastic. England versus Scotland matches have a special meaning to many fans and it's no different with women's football. The first ever England international was played against Scotland and we have a proud record against them. They are improving as a side and will provide a hard test for us."

Editorial Team

Ger Harley (ger@scottishfitba.net)
Vanderhogg (vanderhogg@scottishfitba.net)


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